Saturday, October 26, 2019


Located at Group 18 and Period 4 of the Periodic Table is another Noble Gas that helps light up your room. This is Krypton.

First discovered by both Scottish Chemist and English Chemist William Ramsay and Morris Travers in 1989. Krypton is also isolated by both Scottish Chemist and English Chemist William Ramsay and Morris Travers in 1989 too.

William Ramsay and Morris Travers

To be specific, both chemist cooperated and discovered Krypton in May 30 1898. They were actually studying liquefied air. When the most volatile compenents of liquid air burns away, small amounts of a new unknown element remained, which after that was named Krypton.

You might be wondering : How they isolated Krypton ? There is only one answer : They used fractionating method and fractioned Liquefied air. The volatile compenents of liquid air burns away, leaving the higher density element called Krypton.

And because Krypton is an Inert element ( an element which doesn't react with any other element ), Krypton is used in standard incandescent light bulbs as Krypton doesn't actually react with fire.

Liquefied Air
However, although its inert, it is best not to inhale Krypton because it can cause symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, vomiting and loss of consciousness. If things get worse, it may result death. This is not because of the poison in Krypton as Krypton is inert and doesn't form chemical properties. BUT, the main reason of these symptoms is mainly because the lack of oxygen.

Besides, being one of the rarest gas on earth, there is only 1 part of Krypton per million of the atmosphere by volume, which, by the matter of fact, is very rare.

Atomic Number : 36
Name : Krypton
Latin Name : Kryptos
Electrons per shell : [ 2, 8, 18, 8 ]
Discoverer : William Ramsay and Morris Travers ( 1898 )
Isolator : William Ramsay and Morris Travers ( 1898 )
Element's : Atomic Mass : 83.798 u
                  : Density : 0.0037493g/cm3
                  : Type : Noble Gas

Krypton - 84
Chemical Properties : 

  • completely inert ( except for Fluorine )
  • 41 isotopes : 3 of them are :
          Krypton - 82 : Protons : 36
                                : Neutrons : 46
                               : Electrons : 36
         ( Half Life : Stable )

          Krypton - 83 : Protons : 36
                                : Neutrons : 47
                               : Electrons : 36
         ( Half Life : Stable )

          Krypton - 84 : Protons : 36
                                : Neutrons : 48
                               : Electrons : 36
        ( Half Life : Stable )
Physical Properties : 
  • Odorless
  • Colorless
  • Tasteless
  • Melting Point : -157.36 degrees Celsius ( - 251.25 Fahrenheit )
  • Boiling Point : - 153.22 degrees Celsius ( - 243.8 Fahrenheit )
How Krypton got its name?
Krypton's latin name ( Kryptos ) means heavy. It's given this name because Krypton is the second heaviest element among the Noble Gases.

Krypton is used commercially as a filling gas for energy - saving fluorescent lights. It is also used in some flash lamps on cameras for high - speed photography.

High Speed Photography

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